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The Panorama Automatic Weather Station (AWS) is situated about 22 km north-north-west of Cradock on the farm Panorama near the Baroda railway station. Cradock is situated in the Great-Fish River Valley where an area of about 32 000 ha is irrigated mainly from water diverted from the Gariep dam in the Orange river. Crops like lucerne and maize are common in the valley and there is also a substantial dairy industry, mainly on irrigated pastures.

This AWS is a Davis Vantage Pro Plus station with radiation and UV sensors added to enable it to also determine ETo, which can be used to determine crop water requirements which can assist in simplifing irrigation management and more specific, irrigation scheduling. Further detail on this calculation procedures may be obtained from the FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No 56: Crop Evapotranspiration � Guidelines for computing crop water requirements. It is also available on the net at www.fao.org/docrep/X0490E/X0490E00.htm.

The circle on the Google Earth map is a 30 km radius circle with the Panorama AWS as the center. The circled area includes all irrigation lands within the Cradock district to the north of Cradock. The AWS is thus centrally placed and data from this station may be applicable to all irrigation within the circle. For further information feel free to contact info@dj-irrigation.co.za, or visit the option Crops to obtain water requirements for specific crops in the area.

The graph shows the expected evaporation and drift losses for center pivots based on the weather forecast as supplied by yr.no and calculation procedures as described in the publication Characterisation of evaporation and drift losses with centre pivots by J.N. Ortiz, J.M. Tarjuelo and J.A. de Juan.

On the graph there are two lines, one showing the expected losses when the sprinklers are mounted at 2,5m height and the other at 1,0m height.

The horizontal axis is showing the date and time in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm. On the vertical axis the expected losses is shown in percentage (%). Although a % losses is shown, the graph should rather be used to determine the best times to irrigate than to determine the exact losses.
The data used to calculate this, is provided by yr.no.

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